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Replacement Guide for Coil Springs on Cars and Trucks

Contrally to what many people believe, it isn’t really difficult to learn the right techniques on how coil springs should be replaced on vehicles. Here is a simple guide that will show you exactly how you can coil spring replacement right at the confinement of your garage at home, Side Street or alleyway. When the coil springs that currently exist in your car have started to wear and tear, it becomes important that you have them replaced. This will restore them to their original ride and handling ride. Some situations may warrant you considering installation of aftermarket coils over springs.

It is easy for you to realize that the springs have started to wear out as your vehicle starts to reduce its handling capabilities and the overall ride height continues to lower gradually. Even though the wearing out of coil springs might take quite a long time, there are times when they can be compromised. You can replace coil springs nearly anywhere you want and the entire process is less challenging compared to replacement of other car parts. Word of caution though is that the process can be very dangerous considering the great pleasure that the coiled up springs may produce. You will need to understand what you will need to do before you give the job an attempt.

Start by finding a good place in the open where you can jack the car up safely. Wheels need to be blocked using a wooden block or stone to ensure that the vehicle doesn’t roll away, first gear and the handbrake need to be applied. Next is removing the tires and placing them in an area that they won’t both you, probably beneath the car frame for safety purpose. A spring compressor is a tool that you will definitely need to use and inserting it in the coil is a crucial step. Add a metal chain to wrap the spring around and have it locked completely in place and just in case the compressor fails, you can rest assured that you are in good hands. Confirm that the spring is well secured and proceed on to remove the bolts. You can unscrew the bolts easily using a torque wrench and then low the controlling arm slowly until you free the spring completely and remove it.

Get your new spring coil and compress it by using the compressor and place it in the original position. Once it is well fit, screw the necessary bolts carefully as per the manufacturers’ specifications. Once you have placed the control arm, you should be able to take off the steel chain and spring compressor safely. Finally, carefully install all the other parts you removed carefully and then put the wheels and tires back. The installation procedure is now complete and you should have restored the riding height and original handling of your car. As you can see, when done cautiously and properly, replacing coil springs shouldn’t be challenging in any way.